I want to make stuff. Lots of stuff. I hope this blog will be an incentive to be more productive. As I post what I make, I will be sharing some of my life but I am a private person and want the focus of this blog to be about my creative journey.
For years I've been collecting scrapbooking supplies. I've done some pages but I am really inspired by all the distressed and grungy papers and gorgeous embellishments available now. How can one resist? As my children get older I am feeling compelled to preserve my memories of them. I have a lot of catching up to do. I would also like to do a scrapbook of my husband and I before we had kids (which seems like someone else's life).
I regret that we didn't have a digital camera when my children were little. I have very few photos of my life in college or even of my childhood.
Last year I bought Scrapbook factory deluxe 3.0 and challenged myself to create a journal page a day for a year. I did it! It recorded the mundane events of my day. This year I plan to keep a weekly digital journal. I felt it was a good creative exercise for me. However, it was time consuming and I missed making "real" things. This year I want to make actual scrapbook pages (perhaps some digital embellishment might occur). I want to sew toys and home decorations. I want to do some crocheting. I want to make jewelry. I want to make handmade books. I want to make garden decorations. Most important I want to make stuff for me. I can get bogged down with a lot of self imposed "must make this for someone else" stuff. Sometimes I feel selfish if I'm just making something for myself.
I hope as this blog grows I'll have a collection of work I'm proud of.